Our website wizards at Redfin are always on the prowl for new features that can wow and amaze our customers. Even more so when it’s a feature you’ve told us you wanted, and that no other major real estate site has.
To that end, we launched a feature on our search menu today to let you filter out homes above a maximum monthly homeowner’s association dues amount – or even “No HOA.” Might not seem like a big deal at first glance (and maybe it’s not if you have an extra $600/month handy), but anyone looking at condos or townhomes can tell you that HOA dues can be the difference between a great home you can afford and one that’s out of your price range.
You can find the Max HOA option under Home Facts on the search menu. This can be used for any search, including your saved searches, and even used on the iPad or iPhone through a saved search. And it’s another way you can refine the homes that are exactly what you’re looking for with our Listing Alert feature.
So thanks for the feedback, and keep it coming! We do turn your ideas into features! And in the meantime, what do you think of the new filter?