Best Neighborhoods for Public Transit in El Paso, TX
El Paso, TX has some public transit options with a Transit Score of 28. Sun Metro provides 59 routes, serving roughly 255 square miles in the El Paso area.
Transit Score®
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With a Transit Score of 60, South Central has the highest Transit Score in El Paso. This score indicates that there are plenty of transit options in the neighborhood. Within transit distance of the University of Texas at El Paso, South Central is a great neighborhood for students. Close to the Mexican border, and featuring its own individual charm with Chicano artwork throughout the neighborhood, residents and visitors alike can enjoy how connected this area is to public transit.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
Named for the famous Magoffin Homestead, Magoffin has a Transit Score of 51, which is the second-highest in El Paso and is considered to have good public transit. Magoffin is located near the El Paso Museum of Art and the Wigwam Museum. Residents and visitors appreciate how close this neighborhood is to cultural activities. Whether you’re in the area to visit, or looking to make this neighborhood your home, Magoffin’s public transit makes it a well-connected area of El Paso.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
With a Transit Score of 50, Virginia has good transit with many options for riders. With the third-highest Transit Score in El Paso, riders can get around the neighborhood and to other areas in El Paso without much trouble. Close to the historic Sunset Heights neighborhood and the University of Texas at El Paso, Virginia offers easy access to many El Paso neighborhoods. With the El Paso Museum of history and the Magoffin Home State Historical site nearby, residents and visitors alike can visit the sites on public transit.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
Established in the late 1890s, the historic neighborhood of Sunset Heights has good transit with a Transit Score of 49, which is the fourth-highest score in El Paso. Formerly settled by wealthy homeowners, this neighborhood is now diverse and culturally rich. It is close to the El Paso Museum of History and the El Paso Holocaust Museum and Study Center, both of which are accessible on transit. Residents and tourists should find this area easy to navigate on public transit and, with its proximity to the interstate, moving in and around the city should be simple for transit riders.
Transit Score®
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El Paso High has good transit and a Transit Score of 49, which is the fifth-highest score in El Paso. Ideally located near the University of Texas at El Paso, this neighborhood is close to schools and is a great fit for students who need easy access to transit. With about 30 restaurants, bars, and coffee shops in the area to choose from, residents and visitors should easily be able to take public transit to and from their destinations.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
Cielo Vista South has a Transit Score of 47, which ranks it sixth overall for public transit in El Paso. This score means that there are a few nearby transit options. Although transit options may be limited, this neighborhood is ideally situated close to the Cielo Vista Mall and has access to movie theaters and other shopping centers that make it a great choice for families who need access to retailers and grocery stores.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
Five Points West has a Transit Score of 47, which is the seventh-highest Transit Score in El Paso. There is some transit in Five Points West, but it may be best to plan ahead prior to leaving to determine whether public transit will be sufficient to get you to and from your destination. The Five Points West neighborhood is close to the interstate, in addition to several restaurants, banks, and schools. Residents and visitors may find only a few transit options available for the neighborhood though walking and biking are both options for the Five Points West area.
Transit Score®
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Eucalyptus has the eighth-highest Transit Score in El Paso with a score of 45. This score indicates there are some transit options available in the neighborhood though certain areas may not be accessible by public transit alone. This neighborhood is nearby the Chamizal National Memorial Park Grounds and also the El Paso Zoo, both of which are accessible by public transit.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
With a Transit Score of 41, the Rim-University neighborhood has some public transit options. Situated near the University of Texas, El Paso, this neighborhood is filled with restaurants, coffee shops and bars all easily accessible on public transit.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
Renowned for its stunning desert wildlife and vistas, Resler Canyon has a Transit Score of 38, which is the tenth-highest in El Paso. This Transit Score indicates that there are some transit options available in the area, however, some areas may not be easily accessible by public transit. There are also many restaurants, bars, and coffee shops in the neighborhood and, with the nearby Resler Canyon hiking trail, residents and visitors can look forward to great food after hiking.
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