LAST SOLD ON JUL 27, 2005 FOR $85,000

7412 Sarena St,
Detroit, MI 48210

Redfin Estimate
Sq Ft

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About this home

7412 Sarena St is a 1,536 square foot townhouse on a 3,049 square foot lot with 1.5 bathrooms. - it last sold on July 27, 2005 for $85,000. Based on Redfin's Detroit data, we estimate the home's value is $102,561.
Built in 1923
3,049 sq ft lot
$67 Redfin Estimate per sq ft
Source:Public Records

Redfin Estimate for 7412 Sarena St

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Property details for 7412 Sarena St

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Sale and tax history for 7412 Sarena St

Cost of home ownership

$511 per month

30-year fixed, 5.73% interest
Customize calculations
Mortgage payment$396
Property taxes$79
HOA dues
Homeowners insurance$37
Utilities & maintenance
Need cash for renovations? Your home equity could help
With a home equity line of credit (HELOC), your home's value can fund renovations or other large expenses, with flexibility to borrow only what you need when you need it.

Around this home

Priest Elementary-Middle School

Public, PreK-9 • Assigned • 0.4mi

Clippert Academy

Public, 6-8 • Assigned • 2.8mi

Douglass Academy For Young Men

Public, PreK-12 • Assigned • 3.1mi

Western International High School

Public, 9-12 • Assigned • 3.1mi

Detroit School of Arts

Public, 9-12 • Assigned • 4.2mi

Provided by GreatSchools

Climate risks

Most homes have some risk of natural disasters, and may be impacted by climate change due to rising temperatures and sea levels.

Flood Factor

We’re working on getting current and accurate flood risk information for this home.

Fire Factor

We’re working on getting current and accurate fire risk information for this home.

Heat Factor

We’re working on getting current and accurate heat risk information for this home.

Wind Factor

We’re working on getting current and accurate wind risk information for this home.

Air Factor

We’re working on getting current and accurate air risk information for this home.

Thinking of selling?

Estimated sale price
$98,000 – $116,000

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