Best Neighborhoods for Public Transit in Omaha, NE
With a Transit Score of 24, Omaha has some transit options. Omaha Metro has a service area covering roughly 100 square miles, with approximately 4,000 bus stops.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
A Transit Score of 49 indicates the Market West neighborhood has good public transit. Multiple routes serve the neighborhood allowing for easy access to Downtown and other areas of Omaha.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
A Transit Score of 49 indicates the Old Market neighborhood has good public transit. The many restaurants, bars, and shops on S 13th St. are easily accessible from several different bus routes.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
With a Transit Score of 47, Montclair has good public transit. Many bus lines serve this neighborhood just north of Gifford Park giving residents easy access to dining and drinking or nearby Creighton University without needing a car.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
A Transit Score of 44 indicates the Gifford Park neighborhood has some public transit options. Residents can take the bus to run day to day errands in the neighborhood or reach Downtown Omaha in about 15 minutes.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
A Transit Score of 43 indicates the Monmouth Park neighborhood has some public transit options. Residents can take the bus to run day to day errands in the neighborhood or reach Downtown Omaha in about 15 minutes.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
With a Transit Score of 42, the Leavenworth neighborhood has some public transit options. The many restaurants, bars, and shops on Leavenworth St. are easily accessible from several different bus routes.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
With a Transit Score of 42, the Conestoga Community neighborhood has some public transit options. The many restaurants, bars, and shops on N. 24th St. are easily accessible and Downtown is about 20 minutes away on the bus.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
A Transit Score of 41 indicates the Blackstone neighborhood has some public transit options. This neighborhood is adjacent to the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Residents can take the bus to run day to day errands in the neighborhood or reach Downtown Omaha in about 25 minutes.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
With a Transit Score of 40, the Joslyn Castle neighborhood has some public transit options. The restaurants and coffee shops along Dodge St. are easily accessible and Downtown is about 20 minutes away on the bus.
Transit Score®
About this neighborhood
With a Transit Score of 39, North Omaha has some public transit options. Multiple bus routes serve Creighton University and other neighborhoods throughout the city.
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