Avenir Apartments in Boston is a cornerstone of the revitalized Bulfinch Triangle Historic District, a vibrant neighborhood home to great restaurants, shops and outdoor markets. The property is also
Studio: $2,900
1 bd: $3,975 • 2 bd: $3,805
| 101 Canal St, Boston, MA 02114
14 units available • Pets welcome • Laundry in unit
LVY83451184 - Central steam heat is included in the rent. The unit may have some extra supplemental electric baseboard radiators controlled by the tenants- these are not included in the rent. Hot wate
THE BEST ROOFDECK IN EASTIE! The perfect pied de terre in the City, where you need only your suitcase! Located 10 minutes to Downtown this apartment boasts unobstructed views of the Harbor/ City! from
Available FEB 1 (SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL OFFER) Make this new construction modern 2 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom furnished apartment your new home in a boutique, modern building in the heart of Boston's North En
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