Uptown & Carrollton, LA Real estate agents
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Redfin agents rank in the top 1% nationwide and are the most experienced in the industry. With local expertise backed by powerful technology, we know how to write winning offers and sell your home for top dollar.
Why choose a Redfin agent?
Happier customers
We survey our customers to ensure our agents are delivering exceptional service.
Higher proceeds. Lower fees.
Keep more of the proceeds from your home sale by paying a 1.5% listing fee—or 1% when you buy and sell with Redfin. You could save thousands.
Local agents to guide you
Redfin agents know your neighborhood and have an experienced support team to give you the best experience.
Partner agents in Uptown & Carrollton
When a Redfin agent isn't available, we recommend a partner agent from another brokerage. You'll get great service from a partner agent who is client-reviewed and incentivized to put you first. Learn More
Recent reviews of Redfin agents in Uptown & Carrollton
Redfin surveys the customers we referred to partner agents and posts the reviews online so you can see our history of home sales and happy clients in your neighborhood.334 N Lopez St, New Orleans, LA
$260K • 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1140 Sq. Ft.
609 Newman Ave, Jefferson, LA
$499K • 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1814 Sq. Ft.
2721 Palmyra St, New Orleans, LA
$120K • 2 Bed, 1 Bath, 1200 Sq. Ft.
204 Christiana Dr, Marrero, LA
$208K • 3 Bed, 1.5 Bath, 2097 Sq. Ft.
New listings in Uptown & Carrollton
- 516 18 Leontine St
- 377 Audubon St
- 7444 St. Charles Ave #302
- 30 Neron Pl
- 816 Nashville Ave Unit G
- 1220 Octavia St
- 2213 Valence St
- 3815 Delachaise St
- 3825 Louisiana Avenue Pkwy
- 4626 St Charles Ave
- 4409 S Liberty St #4409
- 2132 S Gayoso St
- 3001 Jefferson Ave
- 2405 Octavia St
- 8801 03 Colapissa St
- All Uptown & Carrollton New Listings
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Our Redfin agents combine the power of cutting-edge technology with their local expertise to help guide you through the process of buying and selling your home.
No matter your real estate needs, our Uptown & Carrollton Realtors® and real estate agents will help you understand the Uptown & Carrollton real estate market with their local expertise, tour the homes you're interested in, and help you win in a competitive market. You can even explore recent offers in Uptown & Carrollton to view market insights from Uptown & Carrollton real estate agents, and see what it takes to win in this area.
Browse our agent profiles, view past sales, and read reviews to find the best real estate agent for you. Our top-rated real estate agents are paid to put you first, and you'll get second-to-none service and save thousands in fees*. Learn more about how Redfin agents can help you get a better deal.
*Pricing and savings do not apply to partner agents. Save by selling with Redfin's lower 1% listing fee (1.5% if you just sell with Redfin) versus a more-typical 2.5% listing fee (buyer's agent fee not included). 1% listing fee eligibility subject to terms. Learn more