Housing and Climate Change News - Redfin

Housing Equality & Policy

Scores of Pandemic Homebuyers Purchased Vacation Homes With High Natural-Disaster Risk

Purchases of second homes with high flood, storm and/or heat risk surged roughly 40% over the past two years.  Many pandemic homebuyers purchased vacation homes, which are frequently vulnerable to natural disasters. In 2020 and 2021, purchases of second homes with high flood risk rose 45% from the prior two-year period (2018-2019), according to a

Real-Estate Investors Bought a Record 18% of the U.S. Homes That Sold in the Third Quarter

Investors purchased a record $64 billion worth of homes as growing housing and rental prices boosted prospects for returns. Single-family homes made up nearly three-quarters of investor purchases—an all-time high. Low-priced properties represented 36% of investor purchases, the smallest share on record. Investors had the largest market share in Atlanta, Phoenix, Charlotte, Jacksonville and Miami,

Climate Change Will Exacerbate the U.S. Housing Shortage

Redfin Chief Economist Daryl Fairweather presents on climate change and housing to members of the Federal Reserve, US Treasury, FDIC, SEC, CFTC, CFPB, FHFA, NCUA, NAIC, CSBS, NASAA, Treasury, New York Fed, FSOC, and OFR.   

Scores of Pandemic Homebuyers Purchased Vacation Homes With High Natural-Disaster Risk

Purchases of second homes with high flood, storm and/or heat risk surged roughly 40% over the past two years.  Many pandemic homebuyers purchased vacation homes, which are frequently vulnerable to natural disasters. In 2020 and 2021, purchases of second homes with high flood risk rose 45% from the prior two-year period (2018-2019), according to a

Real-Estate Investors Bought a Record 18% of the U.S. Homes That Sold in the Third Quarter

Investors purchased a record $64 billion worth of homes as growing housing and rental prices boosted prospects for returns. Single-family homes made up nearly three-quarters of investor purchases—an all-time high. Low-priced properties represented 36% of investor purchases, the smallest share on record. Investors had the largest market share in Atlanta, Phoenix, Charlotte, Jacksonville and Miami,

Climate Change Will Exacerbate the U.S. Housing Shortage

Redfin Chief Economist Daryl Fairweather presents on climate change and housing to members of the Federal Reserve, US Treasury, FDIC, SEC, CFTC, CFPB, FHFA, NCUA, NAIC, CSBS, NASAA, Treasury, New York Fed, FSOC, and OFR.   

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