Housing Market Data Print Outs - Redfin

To make our data more accessible, we offer market updates users can download or print. Market updates can be customized by region type, state, and property type. We also offer seasonally adjusted data on a national, metro, or county level.

How it Works: Select the “Choose Region” tab and then choose what type of region you wish to generate a market report for (e.g. neighborhood). Next select the region from the drop down menu. Only regions with complete and reliable data will be available. Finally, you can export a printable pdf report by clicking the download icon in the bottom right of the report. Select PDF then click “Create PDF” using the defaulted options selected. Contact press@redfin.com if you have any questions.

Guidelines for Using this Data

You are welcome to use this data for your own purposes, we just ask that you cite the source. Please include proper citation and link to Redfin for the first reference on a page, post, or article.

For example:

  • According to Redfin, a national real estate brokerage, …
  • Data provided by Redfin, a national real estate brokerage.

Thank you and please contact press@redfin.com if you have any questions regarding the use of our data or if you would like to speak to one of our housing market experts.

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