From Our CEO - Redfin

From Our CEO

We Blew Up the Call Center (And We Launched Atlanta)

The world’s best real estate brokerage came to Atlanta today, increasing the number of active listings available on Redfin’s site by a whopping 30%. But better than the Atlanta website is the team behind it, starting with the guy we hired to run our Atlanta business, James Marks. From the moment James explained to us that

Greylock Leads a $10 Million Investment in Redfin

Big news! We just announced a $10-million round of financing led by Greylock Partners’ James Slavet and his colleague David Thacker. Redfin’s group of existing investors — Madrona Venture Group, Vulcan Capital, DFJ, The Hillman Company — also pitched in on the round. We couldn’t be happier about the team behind us. Like all the

There's Going to Be a Whole Lot of Rubber-Necking Going On…

First of all, a warning. If you’re browsing this post in a car, or while you’re listening to someone blather away on the phone, pull over, mute the line, buckle up, REMAIN CALM. We’ve got some good stuff to tell you about. Really good stuff. Sometime in the wee hours of the night last night,

Do the Right Thing

Most technology companies shamelessly value raw brain-power at the expense of social grace, common courtesy or any sense of style. As someone who wore head-gear for his entire adolescence, I’ve embraced this approach. Starting out as an entrepreneur, I once tried to hire an engineer who was so engrossed in the brain-teasers we had given

Honey, I Shrunk the Startups, Part II

A few comments about Dave McClure’s Sunday post encouraging entrepreneurs under 30 to sell at the earliest opportunity, from someone who was a founder under 30. I won’t go into the full rant, since I already wrote that last year, but can’t help but comment on a few of Dave’s claims. (Dave already knows I

This is Only a Test…

My college roommate used to end every midnight conversation with me — we were inseparable friends and still all we talked about with one another is why we were so alone — by saying that his standards were just too high. He was single for 38 years until just last month, when he married someone

We Blew Up the Call Center (And We Launched Atlanta)

The world’s best real estate brokerage came to Atlanta today, increasing the number of active listings available on Redfin’s site by a whopping 30%. But better than the Atlanta website is the team behind it, starting with the guy we hired to run our Atlanta business, James Marks. From the moment James explained to us that

Greylock Leads a $10 Million Investment in Redfin

Big news! We just announced a $10-million round of financing led by Greylock Partners’ James Slavet and his colleague David Thacker. Redfin’s group of existing investors — Madrona Venture Group, Vulcan Capital, DFJ, The Hillman Company — also pitched in on the round. We couldn’t be happier about the team behind us. Like all the

There's Going to Be a Whole Lot of Rubber-Necking Going On…

First of all, a warning. If you’re browsing this post in a car, or while you’re listening to someone blather away on the phone, pull over, mute the line, buckle up, REMAIN CALM. We’ve got some good stuff to tell you about. Really good stuff. Sometime in the wee hours of the night last night,

Do the Right Thing

Most technology companies shamelessly value raw brain-power at the expense of social grace, common courtesy or any sense of style. As someone who wore head-gear for his entire adolescence, I’ve embraced this approach. Starting out as an entrepreneur, I once tried to hire an engineer who was so engrossed in the brain-teasers we had given

Honey, I Shrunk the Startups, Part II

A few comments about Dave McClure’s Sunday post encouraging entrepreneurs under 30 to sell at the earliest opportunity, from someone who was a founder under 30. I won’t go into the full rant, since I already wrote that last year, but can’t help but comment on a few of Dave’s claims. (Dave already knows I

This is Only a Test…

My college roommate used to end every midnight conversation with me — we were inseparable friends and still all we talked about with one another is why we were so alone — by saying that his standards were just too high. He was single for 38 years until just last month, when he married someone

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