From Our CEO - Redfin

From Our CEO

At Last! Redfin Releases Its iPhone App!

At long last, Redfin has an iPhone application. And it is gorgeous and fast and free and freakishly powerful. Apple took ten days to approve it for the app store: Download it now for free! Why is a Redfin app such a big deal when there are already three or four real estate apps for

August Newsletter: Prices Tick up, Redfin in Time's Top 50 Websites

On the last Tuesday of every month, just before the Case-Shiller data is released at 6 a.m., we start writing Redfin’s customer newsletter. Which has become a bit of a production. It used to be about what’s happening at Redfin — and sometimes it still is — but most of our time now is spent covering

First Broad Price Increase Seen in Case-Shiller Index

Case-Shiller data for June 2009 came out this morning. Once we adjust for seasonality — home prices tend to increase in the summer — we still see a nice gain in prices across every metropolitan area Redfin serves except for Seattle. For the first time since May 2006, seasonally adjusted prices increased month-over-month in the

Are Listing Agents Hurting Their Clients by Hiding Addresses?

At Redfin, we’ve long been opposed to dual agency, where the same agent represents both seller and buyer. This hasn’t always been an easy call because in some ways dual agency is more efficient. But it’s hard to represent both sides in a negotiation simultaneously, and the big problem is that it encourages the listing

Redfin's July Newsletter…

Redfin sends out a monthly newsletter that digests all the real estate news from 20 – 30 sources into one portrait of what’s going on in real estate. All the folks who register on our site have the option to get the newsletter, and of course anyone can unsubscribe. By popular demand, we’re now publishing

What Would Apple Do? Don't Ask

For years, it has been fashionable for business-people to approach any problem — choking baby, lonely Friday, cold soup, global warming — by asking Jeff Jarvis’s question: “What would Google do?” But the most admired technology company in the world isn’t Google. It’s Apple. And when it comes to the most admired technology executive, Steve

At Last! Redfin Releases Its iPhone App!

At long last, Redfin has an iPhone application. And it is gorgeous and fast and free and freakishly powerful. Apple took ten days to approve it for the app store: Download it now for free! Why is a Redfin app such a big deal when there are already three or four real estate apps for

August Newsletter: Prices Tick up, Redfin in Time's Top 50 Websites

On the last Tuesday of every month, just before the Case-Shiller data is released at 6 a.m., we start writing Redfin’s customer newsletter. Which has become a bit of a production. It used to be about what’s happening at Redfin — and sometimes it still is — but most of our time now is spent covering

First Broad Price Increase Seen in Case-Shiller Index

Case-Shiller data for June 2009 came out this morning. Once we adjust for seasonality — home prices tend to increase in the summer — we still see a nice gain in prices across every metropolitan area Redfin serves except for Seattle. For the first time since May 2006, seasonally adjusted prices increased month-over-month in the

Are Listing Agents Hurting Their Clients by Hiding Addresses?

At Redfin, we’ve long been opposed to dual agency, where the same agent represents both seller and buyer. This hasn’t always been an easy call because in some ways dual agency is more efficient. But it’s hard to represent both sides in a negotiation simultaneously, and the big problem is that it encourages the listing

Redfin's July Newsletter…

Redfin sends out a monthly newsletter that digests all the real estate news from 20 – 30 sources into one portrait of what’s going on in real estate. All the folks who register on our site have the option to get the newsletter, and of course anyone can unsubscribe. By popular demand, we’re now publishing

What Would Apple Do? Don't Ask

For years, it has been fashionable for business-people to approach any problem — choking baby, lonely Friday, cold soup, global warming — by asking Jeff Jarvis’s question: “What would Google do?” But the most admired technology company in the world isn’t Google. It’s Apple. And when it comes to the most admired technology executive, Steve

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