Spring Has Sprung: Expert-Approved Feng Shui Spring Cleaning Tips


Spring cleaning is more than just freshening up your home or purging out closets. It’s a great time to reset, rebalance, and welcome positive energy for the new season. By decluttering your home and thoughtfully rearranging, redecorating, or even painting, you’ll begin to notice the positive transformations in your space and daily life. 

So whether you live in an apartment in Dallas, cozy craftsman-style home in Seattle, or somewhere in between, there’s no better time than now to clean your home. To bring in positive energy and good Feng Shui to both your indoor and outdoor living spaces, follow these easy, expert-approved tips as you tackle your spring cleaning this year:

Why is spring cleaning important for good feng shui?

Although practiced for centuries, spring cleaning’s popularity has waned in recent decades. However, for good Feng Shui, it’s necessary to clean out the old, stale, and used Chi that accumulates over the fall and winter to allow fresh, new, and high-quality Chi to enter and reside in the space. Not doing so just allows the new Chi to mingle with the old stale Chi, which no one benefits from. Cleaning windows, the tops of doorways, and baseboards will make a huge difference in the quality Chi of your space. – Feng Shui Technology

Freshen up the front yard with greenery

The front yard of your house is significant for good Feng Shui. This is where quality Qi (energy) enters your home. You should ensure there’s no blockage in your front yard, such as parked bicycles and unnecessary clutter. Big leafy plants are a great addition if you have a garden in your front yard, which can defend against negative energy. The front yard is considered the Yang area of your home, so have it brightly lit. – Kevin Foong Consulting Group

Create gentle curves in your front landscaping

If you have a garden that connects with the main door of the house, try to make the path to the house in a sinuous way, avoiding a direct straight path. This way, the good energy (Shen Qi) can arrive in a kind manner. Landscape with flowers and plants of various colors, and it’s even better if these have a scent. – espaciobiodinamico

Clear your home’s entryway

First impressions start from the front gate through the garden to your main front door and continue into your hallway. This should be clear from weed, rubbish, and unnecessary items. The front door is where the life force energy enters and should be freshly painted with plenty of space and with one or two statement items, such as a pair of bay trees, lions, or Tibetan Dogs outside on each side of the door for protection. The entry hallway gives an impression of the family, and the art and photographs tell a story of who they are. A chandelier will reflect the Chi (life force energy) around the home, and there should be no clutter here or in the doors to each room. – Amravati Feng Shui Consultant

Use your front door to promote Qi flow

The front door is the main gate of Qi – it’s where Qi enters the house. Even if you normally use a different entrance, such as the garage, the front door is still considered the main entrance. Use the front door at least once a day to promote Qi flow. Remove everything from the porch or entry hall and only put back what you need every day, such as a chair, small table, doormat, and a shoe organizer. To attract Qi, hang a wind chime, bell, or flag, and place healthy plants or a water fountain beside the door. – Feng Shui by Reiko

Deep clean your home top to bottom

Your main entrance has the most traffic so make sure it’s inviting as well as clean, and eliminate all clutter to create a clear path for good energy to flow into your home. Cleaning under all furniture, especially beds, clears and promotes circulation, even while you’re asleep. Corners are important too, so wiping them clean will free any inactivity. Reposition objects to create a new look for your space and add fresh flowers, or just one flower in a vase, to welcome spring. – Home Balancer

Wipe down all surfaces and decor 

Clearing your clutter to allow more energy to flow into your home and life is fundamental Feng Shui. Did you know that dust on decor absorbs moisture and can create a musty smell? In a bucket of water, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (mine is lavender but citrus and mint oils work great too). Then take a clean cloth and get it wet in your bucket. Next, wring it out real well and get wiping. Wipe down shelves, lamps, lights, window sills, and anything that’s dusty. Once done, you’ll be amazed at not only the wonderful fragrance it leaves but how clean and energized the space will feel. Congratulations, you’ve just removed stagnant Chi. – Asian Lifestyle Designs

Declutter your home to let the energy flow freely

Qi, or life force energy, is what brings you health, wealth, and happiness. You want energy to flow freely throughout your home so you can receive all of its benefits. Imagine energy as a big bucket of water. Pour this imaginary water in the front door of your home. Where does it get trapped? That’s the area to declutter and clean. 

Clear your workspace to allow for Qi to envelop you as you work and get ready to receive abundance. Remove unnecessary items from below, above, and around your bed, and Qi will help restore your health and give you the best night’s sleep you’ve had all year. Don’t forget to check for potential Qi traps around your front door. Is there a clear flow? If your Amazon delivery man has difficulty finding your front door, so will good energy. – Elemental Clarity

Tackle decluttering your home one area at a time

Spring is a time when we’re ready to move forward, and clearing clutter is a way to get the energy moving again. If you find yourself procrastinating, start with something small, like a drawer. As you complete each task, you’ll feel more positive, and your home will too. – Feng Shui Diva

Color your home with energy

A simple, low-cost, and high-impact tip is to paint your surroundings or add a touch of color with pillows, rugs, and artwork. Warm colors (red, orange, and yellow hues) are uplifting and stimulate energy. Cool colors (blue, green, and purple hues) are calming and restful. Use stimulating colors for yang, active and public areas of your home, and calming colors for yin, relaxing and private areas of your home for greater harmony and wellbeing. – Cynthia Chomos

Add the wood element to your home decor for a fresh transition into the new season

Incorporate the feeling of spring into any space in your home by using the color green, which represents the wood element (growth, new beginnings, fresh energy, healing, and flexibility). The color and the element can be used together with the intention to change the energy of your space. Stand in front of your door looking into your space. What is located in the left middle area of your space? Is it empty? Is there clutter? This area is the new beginnings and family area. Depending on what you have there, first, clean the area and then activate the area by setting your intention and adding the color green with either a green quartz crystal, pottery, decor, or a plant to change the energy of your space. – Mati Feng Shui

Only display photos that bring you joy

Cleansing the energy of any place is essential before applying Feng Shui principles. Pictures, for example, can bring a lot of memories, both good and bad. After some time, people tend not to pay attention to the pictures they keep. Leave just those that bring you joy and put away everything else. If there are some that you don’t want to throw away, you can scan them to a file on your computer or store them on a USB drive. Get ready to collect and display beautiful new spring memories to replace the previous ones. – M. Fatima V. Monaco, The Aligned Space

Incorporate the five elements into your home and office setup

Have you blessed your home or office for the spring? Find a lovely vase and add fresh, colorful flowers which will add good luck, harmony, and beauty to your special place. By adding love, kindness, and joy, these intentions will boost your energy and the energy of the people around you. You can add a scented candle, a beautiful crystal such as an amethyst or rose quartz, a small cup of water, or a bubbling water fountain. Your sacred place becomes your sanctuary where you’ll feel balanced with all of the five elements – fire (candle), earth (crystal), metal (cup), water (fountain), and wood (flowers). – R.D. Chin

Familiarize yourself with the directions that should be avoided as you revitalize your space

Spring cleaning is a worldwide phenomenon – the Chinese and many Asian countries do it before Chinese New Year, and the Western countries do it after the winter. It’s important to revitalize your home after the long and often dark winter months. All areas of the home can benefit from a clear-out and a deep clean but it’s equally important to familiarize yourself with the afflictions of the new year (in particular the Tai Sui in the northeast in 2022 and Three Killings in the north in 2022), which means certain facing directions should be avoided. So, while you’re cleaning, you’ll want to check if you should adjust some of your furniture placements in order to avoid putting yourself in an unfavorable position and enabling you to continue harnessing the good energies instead. – Lucy Richardson, Feng Shui Focus

Breathe new life into your bedroom

One Feng Shui principle is that the things closest to us have the greatest impact, thus our bed is very important to our wellbeing. Some features that are important for a bed include:

  • Have a solid headboard made of wood or fabric – avoid slats, wrought iron, or wicker.
  • Have nothing under your bed so that healthy Chi can flow all around it and nourish you.
  • Avoid a split box spring as this can divide a couple.
  • A footboard can keep you grounded if you’d like to do less traveling. – Sacred Currents

Break down your spring cleaning tasks by the different regions of your home

Spring cleaning is a must to usher in the new “Yang” energy from the stale cold winter “Yin” energy that dampens the mood. 2022 is a year of movement, therefore to move forward we need to de-clutter, set the tone right, and make the change. In the east, light candles to diffuse any argumentative energies. Place flowers with a fire element colored theme in this area. In the southeast area of your home, enhance romance with pastel colors and avoid metallic colors. In the southwest, decorate with colors of green hues, whites, blues, and blacks to control the stressful and emotional energy coming from this sector.

In the west region, think of colors that represent water when decorating this area of your home. Crystals such as blue sodalite will be ideal to use here to protect you from potential financial burdens. When it comes to the northwest, use sparkling metallic decorations to bring in power and authority for you. And in the north, place a water feature or an aquarium. In the northeast, earth tones are based in this sector or a water feature. This is where the money luck is located this year. Lastly, in the center of your home, keep it quiet and remove any red bright colors. Green, white, blue, or black are great colors to decorate this area. Place some bamboo plants here to subdue the catastrophic energy in the center this year. – Jancy Lew, FSGalleria

Embrace spring in your outdoor space

Create a meandering backyard garden that allows you to experience all the new spring growth. Use different widths and heights of your garden plants, shrubs, and trees to create a meandering pathway for the energy to flow through and around your garden. Avoid using water features directly in the back or on the sides of your house, which could negatively impact the support energy for everyone in the household. Outside of these basic Feng Shui guidelines, through Authentic Classical Feng Shui, there are many calculated approaches using a compass that we take into consideration when guiding our clients in creating harmony within the household and outside. – Spirit Mind Body Living

Bring in the color red to the south area of your backyard

The south area of your yard represents fame, recognition, and how you share your light in the world. You can honor and enliven this energy by keeping this area of your garden tidy and incorporating the color red in flowers, ceramic pots, or garden art. If you have a fire pit, sun art, or are using tiki torches at a party this year, the south would be the ideal spot to place them. – Emerald Spaces

Mekaila is a part of the content marketing team and enjoys writing about real estate and design trends. Her dream home would have ocean views and floor-to-ceiling windows to let in plenty of natural light.
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