Fun with generate_series - Redfin Real Estate News

Fun with generate_series

Updated on October 5th, 2020

A few months ago I attended the PostgreSQL conference in Portland, OR. There were a lot of talks ranging from hard-core stuff like Neil Conway‘s talk about the internals of query execution, to random fun stuff like David Fetter‘s discussion of procedural languages, including LOLCODE.


During their talks, a few people mentioned a handy function called generate_series. It took me a while to discover how useful this function really is. I thought I’d post an example. Here goes…

Let’s say that you have a table with sales information:

postgres=# select * from sales order by date;
    date    | sales_person | part_number
 2008-05-05 | Glenn        |           1
 2008-05-05 | Shahaf       |           1
 2008-05-06 | Mike         |           1
 2008-05-06 | Mike         |           2
 2008-05-08 | Glenn        |           1
 2008-05-08 | Shahaf       |           1
 2008-05-08 | Mike         |           2
 2008-05-09 | Mike         |           1
 2008-05-09 | Glenn        |           1
(9 rows)

You might want to get an idea of how many sales happened on each day. You could try to do it with a query like this:

postgres=# select date, count(*) from sales group by date order by date;
    date    | count
 2008-05-05 |     2
 2008-05-06 |     2
 2008-05-08 |     3
 2008-05-09 |     2
(4 rows)

This basically works, but it hides one important fact — no sales happened on May 7.

To fix this, we can use generate_series. When you run this function normally, it just generates a series of numbers:

postgres=# select generate_series(0,4);
(5 rows)

However, you can easily change it to generate a series of dates:

postgres=# select generate_series(0,4) + date '2008-05-05' as date;
(5 rows)

Once you have this, you can now join against the sales table to generate the report:

postgres=# select, count(
from (select generate_series(0,4) + date '2008-05-05' as date) as series
left outer join sales on group by
order by;
    date    | count
 2008-05-05 |     2
 2008-05-06 |     2
 2008-05-07 |     0
 2008-05-08 |     3
 2008-05-09 |     2
(5 rows)

The trick here is to do a left-outer join betwee the date sequence and the sales, and to count the rows that have a non-null sales date.

This is by no means the only use of generate_series, it’s just the most recent use I found. If you know of other ways to use this function, or if you know of other handy functions, drop a note below.

Image credits: Electric Vehicle Guide

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