MySQL to Postgres - Redfin Real Estate News

MySQL to Postgres

Updated on October 5th, 2020


A couple of weeks ago we released an upgrade to the Redfin site. Some of the changes were obvious: we now support Safari, we show polygons for different region types on the map (cities, neighborhoods, zip codes, etc.), we show price history on the listing details page, we allow users to download search results as an EXCEL sheet, and so on. And then there are a bunch of changes that are not so obvious, things that happened behind the scenes. Most notably — we switched our database from MySQL to Postgres.

For a website, the database is basically the lowest layer in the stack, so changing it is not a simple thing to do. My colleague Michael Smedberg wrote about the “toe dip” we took in this direction in a prior release: we still used MySQL as our “gold” database, but we replicated some of the data to a Postgres DB in order to support certain past-sale queries that were underperforming on MySQL. When that effort proved successful, we decided to go full throttle and make the switch to Postgres 100%, which is what we just did.

I can say that so far we’re pretty happy. Perhaps the two most important benefits we’ve gained are: 1. with PostGIS we can support true polygon searches, and 2. Postgres’ row-level multi-value concurrency control (MVCC) means that we can run “heavy” import operations on a DB that is serving live queries without worrying about locking or performance loss. And of course there are other benefits as well.

But in this blog post I thought I’d talk about the gotchas we faced along the way as we transitioned from MySQL to Postgres. If you’re contemplating your own switch, hopefully this will save you some time. Here goes…



Some of our first steps in migrating to Postgres were to define the new Postgres schema, to create an empty database with this schema, and to migrate data over from a the MySQL database.

In doing this, we discovered that the data types supported by MySQL are not all supported by Postgres. For example: double, tinyint, enum, and datetime don’t exist at all. There are often reasonable alternatives (e.g. timestamp instead of datetime), but in some cases you have to resort to a data type that is not quite the same (e.g. smallint instead of tinyint). Note: we are using Postgres version 8.2; some of these types (e.g. enum) are available in the recently released version 8.3.

So, in migrating our data we had to do some translation/mapping of our data into the new schema. We figured that this was also a golden opportunity to do some additional cleanup: to remove unused tables, to remove unused columns, to name columns more consistently, to add some constraints, to remove duplicate data, etc.

We needed a migration tool that was flexible enough to handle all these needs, and we ended up writing our own — a java program we call MySqlToPostgres. We considered other alternatives, such as using the Postgres COPY command to bulk load from file. But our own migration tool ended up being a good choice given all the transformations we wanted to do in-transit.

If you’re going to write your own tool, here are a few tips to make the migration faster:

  1. Make sure to start with a target database that has tables but has no indexes or unique constraints; add those only after you migrate your data, it makes a huge difference.
  2. Migrate the data using a few big transactions, instead of many small transactions. In our case, we issued a “begin” before inserting any rows into a given table and a “commit” after the last row was inserted. In between, we issued giant “insert” statements, each of which contained many rows. Here’s an example of a single insert statement with two rows:
     INSERT INTO films (code, title, did, date_prod, kind) VALUES
         ('B6717', 'Tampopo', 110, '1985-02-10', 'Comedy'),
         ('HG120', 'The Dinner Game', 140, DEFAULT, 'Comedy');
  3. There’s a setting in the postgresql.conf file you can use to log slow queries. Normally we set it to 200, so that we’ll know about queries that take more than 200 milliseconds: log_min_duration_statement=200. However, while doing our migration, it was important to disable this option by setting it to 0. Otherwise our slow query log grew very large with all those multi-row insert statements.

Most of our data is stored in “regular” columns: numeric, string, etc. However, we have one table with some binary data, and this data proved particularly challenging. The Postgres documentation tells you how to format binary data as a string in an insert statement. The trick is that while MySQL and Postgres both treat a byte as an unsigned value between 0 and 255, Java treats bytes as signed values between -127 and 128. That means that if you write your own Java migration tool, you have to do some tricky arithmetic with the “bytes” that Java gives you to convert them into the kind of bytes that Postgres expects.



With most databases, you’re allowed to connect to one database and then issue the use command to start dealing with a different database. Not so with Postgres. When you establish a connection to Postgres it’s to a specific database, and the “use” command doesn’t exist. This also means that you can’t issue queries that span multiple databases.

During the development cycle, especially in tests, it’s helpful to create a fresh database, do some stuff with it, and then drop it. Most databases will prevent you from dropping the database if there are users connected to it, but Postgres is particularly draconian about it. There’s no easy way to say “just drop it anyways and kill all connections”. So, you have to be careful to close all your DB connections at the end of the test, before trying to clean up the DB. Of course, this is good practice anyways, but it’s sometimes tricky to discover who’s holding onto that one connection.

Postgres has a setting that defines the maximum number of connections allowed to the DB: max_connections. By default, this is set to 100. You need to make sure that this value is big enough to support your worst-case situation. In particular, your website probably has some connection pooling mechanism on each web server, and this connection pool probably has a cap. You need to make sure that the DB can handle the case of each web server asking for the max number of connections. You should also check whether your connection pool is configured to reap unused connections, although you shouldn’t count on reaping to keep you below the worst-case scenario. If you find that there’s a mismatch, there are two things you can do: reduce the connection pool sizes all around, or increase the DB connections cap. If you want to do the latter, be aware that this will at least require restarting the DB. In some cases it may even require restarting the server completely. So, it’s best to decide ahead of time how many connections you’ll need in the worst case and to configure all settings accordingly.



There are many situations where it’s convenient to have the database generate ID’s for new records. In MySQL, this is a pretty simple matter: you set the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute on your column and it automatically picks up the next value.

With Postgres it’s a little trickier. The AUTO_INCREMENT keyword doesn’t exist. Instead you have sequences. You can create a sequence and call nextval(‘my_sequence_name’) to retrieve the next value. You can also associate this sequence with a column by specifying that the default value for the column is nextval(‘my_sequence_name’). There’s also a shortcut for defining all this: serial.

Having these independent sequences in Postgres gives you the flexibility to do interesting things, like to associate the same sequence with multiple tables. But in practice we haven’t found this to be particularly useful. Also, it was a little more challenging to configure our O-R mapping layer, hibernate, to recognize and use these sequences. It involved adorning our classes with the @SequenceGenerator tag, and our ID columns with the @GeneratedValue tag.

Finally, it was important to explicitly initialize these sequences to the next available value after migrating data from MySQL to Postgres.



In MySQL, and in may other databases, string comparisons are case insensitive. For example, on MySQL you would get one result for each of the following queries:

 create table names(firstname varchar(10));
 insert into names values ('Shahaf');
 select * from names where firstname='Shahaf';
 select * from names where firstname='SHAHAF';
 select * from names where firstname='sHaHaF';

Postgres, on the other hand, is case-sensitive. That means that only the first query would return a result.

After some research, we found three ways to deal with this problem:

  1. Use the upper() or lower() Postgres functions to normalize casing before comparison
  2. Use the case-insensitive regular expression operator: ~*
  3. Use the case-insensitive string-matching operator: ilike

The problem with #2 and #3 is that they don’t support index usage in some or all of the cases. The only way to get index usage (and therefore better performance) is to go with the upper() or lower() approach. By the way, we didn’t find any difference between upper() and lower(), so we arbitrarily went with upper().

Of course, it’s a pain to have to actually store your data in all upper-case. You might want to display it with normal casing, and you don’t want to have to store two copies. Luckily, you can store your data using normal casing, but create a functional index on the upper()-cased values. For example:

 create index employees_name on employees(upper(name));

After that, you just need to remember to upper-case any arguments you get, and to always construct queries that compare against upper(name). If you accidentally generate a query that compares against name (without the upper()), then the index will go unused and you’ll see bad performance.



Text search is one of those areas where MySQL has a basic search solution that works and requires little fuss, whereas Postgres has a myriad of solutions that require more TLC. One of these solutions, TSearch2, is now included in the 8.3 version of Postgres, so perhaps it’s becoming a kind of standard.

TSearch2 is built completely on top of Postgres. To use it, you need to add a set of objects to your database: functions, tables, etc. If you want to be able to search some text columns in a given table, you need to add a new column to that table, a column of type tsvector. You need to bulk-populate it using a tsearch2 function with the raw data from your string columns. And you need to define some triggers to keep this tsvector column updated whenever the source columns change. You can then define an index on this tsvector column, and start issuing text search queries, again using some special tsearch2 functions.

We’ve had reasonable success with TSearch2 so far, but we haven’t exploited all its functionality so far, and we’re still considering other approaches (e.g. Lucene).



Replication is much like text search: MySQL has a basic replication solution that works, and Postgres has a bunch of competing solutions that are far more complex to implement. However, as with TSearch2, there’s one solution that’s becoming a kind of standard and is now included in the 8.3 version of Postgres: Slony.

Slony is a single-master, multi-slave, asynchronous replication system. In other words, you update your data in one master DB only, but you can query the data from the master or from the slaves. Just beware that the data on the slaves may be a little stale. In that regard, Slony is very similar to MySQL replication. However, the similarities pretty much end there.

MySQL replication is a built-in part of the database, and it uses its own binary logs to record what changes need to be replicated to which slave. Slony is built completely on top of the Postgres database. It creates a set of tables and triggers in your master database to keep track of which changes need to be replicated to which slave. So, in a way, Slony “pollutes” your schema. If you take a database snapshot, you now have all your tables plus a bunch of Slony stuff. On the other hand, Slony also creates triggers on the slaves to prevent you from accidentally making changes there, something that MySQL will happily let you do.

MySQL replication assumes that you want all databases on the master server to be replicated to each of the slave servers. Slony takes a more fine-grained approach. You need to explicitly specify which set of tables from which database on the master you want replicated to which target slave database. You don’t have to include all tables, and the slave database can live on the same machine as the master if you want.

MySQL replication automatically includes all kinds of changes: inserts, updated, deletes, truncates, table creation, index creation, etc. Slony is far more limited. It can only
replicate changes to tables and sequences. If you have schema changes to make, you need to orchestrate them carefully such that they happen on all databases at the same point in the transaction order.

Slony has it’s own SQL-like language that is consumed by an interpreter called slonik. So, you have to invest a little bit of time learning this language and how to use it to define all the “first-class citizens” of Slony replication: clusters, nodes, sets, subscriptions, etc.

By the way, we found it very convenient to add a table used strictly to track replication latency:

 create table replication_heartbeat(
   id int primary key,
   last_updated timestamp
 insert into replication_heartbeat values(1, now());

We set up a cron job that updates the timestamp on the master every minute, and we set up Nagios alerts both on the master and on the slaves to tell us if the timestamp is older than some threshold. There are various other tools out there to monitor Slony, but we found this scheme to be simple and effective.

Once you have replication set up, watch out for big transactions on the master database. For example, let’s say you issue this query:

 update my_big_table set my_column=null where my_column=0

This statement may take a while to run. Until it completes, no changes will be replicated to the slaves. Once it does complete, though, the changes will be replicated to the slaves one row at a time:

 update my_big_table set my_column=null where id=0;
 update my_big_table set my_column=null where id=1;

This takes much longer, and it can cause your replication to fall behind.

Also, be careful to match the horsepower of your master and slave databases. If you have a beefy master database server and a dud slave server, the slave may fall behind as soon as you apply any “significant” changes on the master.



With MySQL we used the free command-line tool (mysql) as well as a commercial GUI tool (SQL Yog). Both worked well for our use-cases. In particular, it was nice to be able to change data directly in SQL Yog’s result view, much like you would in EXCEL.

Postgres comes with a similar command-line tool: psql. It’s very similar to the mysql command-line tool, but it has it’s own esoteric syntax for various things that simply takes time to learn. For example, instead of “show tables” you use “d”.

We haven’t found a good replacement SQL Yog yet. We’ve used one free tool, pgAdmin III, but we found that it’s not quite as good. It doesn’t let you edit data in the result view, it tends to open a lot of windows, and it tends to keep database connections open more than it should.

We’ve also found that Postgres documentation is not quite as good as MySQL’s. We’ve gotten by so far, but we definitely have to do more Google’ing for various details that are not fully explained in the core Postgres docs.

So there you have it. I hope these tips help you out.

If you also made the switch to Postgres, we’d love to hear about your experience. Did you run into the same issues? Are there others I forgot to mention? Have you found any useful Postgres tools that we should know about? If you considered Postgres but decided against it, we’d love to know your reasons.

Image credits: Bali Adventure Tours

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