All the Office Cleaning Tips You Need to Know

Updated on October 9th, 2023

Cleaning your office is essential to create a balanced and healthy home. A clean office helps bring happiness and productivity to your day, while a cluttered and messy desk can make it difficult to focus on the task at hand. A clean office is especially important if you live in a small apartment in Las Vegas, NV, or a townhome in Seattle, WA, where space is limited. However, it can be hard to sort through all of your work. 

As working from home becomes more popular, people are using their home offices more. If yours is out of hand, and you’re looking to increase your efficiency and declutter your workspace, follow these expert-backed office cleaning tips.


Keep your email clear

Put in the work every day to keep your office clean. To help minimize paper and email inbox clutter, reduce the amount of “touches” you have them with. Deal with paperwork and answer emails as they come in, avoiding overwhelming build up. – Empty Nest Blessed

Use a to-do list

Use a to-do list combined with a “needs action” folder to help your office cleaning. When you begin to work through your list, you can work through your folder without having to scramble through everything on your desk. Visual messes can be a huge distraction. – Perfectly Placed

Electronics require extra care

Be extremely careful when cleaning, dusting, and wiping electronic equipment. These devices require specialized cleaning products, clean, dry cloth, and non-abrasive materials. Stainless steel may look tough, but it can be just as sensitive and prone to scratches as solid wood. Be careful when cleaning stains on upholstery, cushions, curtains, carpets and rugs. – Oasis Natural Cleaning

Clean your printer and keyboard

Your computer and printer need some love. Use a soft cloth to dust them off and get an aerosol keyboard cleaner to get the dust and debris out of your keyboard. If you want to be more thorough, disconnect your keyboard, remove the keys, and clean each one with a neutral cleaner or mild soap and water. When you’re done, thoroughly dust the base of the keyboard. To finish, put all of the keys back in place. You might want to take a picture of the keyboard before you start removing them so you know where they all go. – Accent American


Pay attention to the details

People often forget about small areas around their office that can benefit from a brief cleaning. These items include:

  • Mice and computer track pads
  • Light switches
  • Keyboards
  • Drawer and desk handles
  • Desk chairs with arm rests
  • Coffee pots and Keurig machines

If your office has a lot of screens, don’t forget to wipe them down – fingerprints can easily build up without you noticing. – Maid Easy

Clean your desk every day to avoid buildup

While cleaning an office is relatively easy, keeping it clean and clutter-free can be a challenge. To fight the buildup of clutter, make sure to clean your desk daily, ideally right after you finish working for the day. Gather any trash or recycling and organize any loose items. Try deep cleaning a couple of times per month, making sure to clean the nooks and crannies. Getting into a routine is the best way to keep your office organized, clean, and clutter-free – Mulberry Maids

Prioritize high-touch surfaces

To maintain a spotless workplace, don’t forget those easily overlooked spots like keyboards, phone receivers, and doorknobs. These high-touch areas can be breeding grounds for germs, so be sure to include them in your regular cleaning routine. – Celestial Cleaning Service

Declutter your space to increase productivity

The benefits of a clean office are almost instant, but waiting to clean it can lead to a huge build up of clutter. Decluttering your office increases productivity by limiting distractions. It also allows for cleaner air flow throughout your work place, keeping you healthy and clean. Take 5-10 minutes every day to declutter your space and create a positive work environment. – Tailor Maid Clean

Take time every day to declutter

Clutter can inhibit productivity and may create anxiety. Although you may not be conscious of it, a messy desk or office makes it hard to find what you’re looking for, which can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. Make it easy on yourself by taking five minutes at the end of your work day to put things in order. – Mindful Decluttering & Organizing

Office cleaning tips: consistency is key

Above all, clean consistently and intentionally. Here are a few tips to help.

  • Remove items you don’t need: You don’t need a lot to create your perfect office space.
  • Create zones: Think about how you work and create zones for different types of tasks.
  • Create a holding spot: This is a perfect spot to keep items that you might need later. 
  • Ensure trash and recycle bins are accessible: Make sure you can easily discard unnecessary items. Keep a shredder on hand as well.
  • Use vertical space wisely: Using vertical storage gives the illusion of less clutter.. 
  • Keep cords neat: Tie up any cords you aren’t using.

Clean And Simple Cleaning

Clean your office to help lower anxiety

A busy office can make it tough to keep clutter under control. Unfortunately, being surrounded by clutter can create an anxious and distracting work space. Decluttering and organizing your office not only makes it look and feel cleaner, it also helps maximize your efficiency and enjoy your office space. To help declutter, shred any unnecessary papers and organize all of your other items into “keep” and “donate” piles. – Carefree Covered RV Storage

Don’t go cheap on trash can liners  

Avoid the drip trail that comes from a leaky can liner. Drip trails happen because people throw away their half-empty cups of coffee along with a sharp object that can puncture the liner. Make sure to pour out your drinks and invest in quality can liners to avoid creating a mess. – Greener Method Cleaning and Restoration


Take care when cleaning pet stains

Pet stains are one of the main reasons why people call a professional cleaner. Unfortunately, people often exacerbate the problem by trying to treat the stain themselves. To avoid this, it’s important to know which fibers can tolerate which chemicals. Some products can cause permanent bleaching to wool, while others may cause natural dyes to run. – Restora-Rug

Pay in advance to avoid getting overcharged

When hiring a cleaning service, never ask for an estimate. Instead, ask for a quote – most estimates are wrong. Also, ask if there are any extra charges, like fuel, travel, or convenience fees. To avoid upsells, ask if you can prepay when they arrive for cleaning. – Citrus Carpet Cleaning Atlanta

Tips for running an online cleaning business 

If your business has a website, it’s open to the world all day, every day. As such, it’s important for it to be on the first page of search results (not the 2nd or 3rd page). This is because most users don’t click beyond the first few search results, even if they haven’t found what they were looking for. Make sure your website is optimized for SEO and consider hiring an agency if you have the budget. – Think Trek Solution

Jamie is part of the content marketing team and is passtionate about climate change, housing affordability, and housing market trends. His dream home is a small, modern, and minimalist forested home where he can hear the wind blowing at night.
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