Biophilia: Experts Reveal 11 of Their Favorite Plants For Your Home

Updated on December 20th, 2021

Plants are an excellent addition to any home – they can help clean air while also serving as a statement piece for decorating or staging your home. As we enter the fall season, you may be looking for some new plants to bring into your space. With over 300,000 species, it can be hard figuring out what type of greenery is right for you. 

To help you get started, we reached out to 12 plant experts from Buffalo, NY to Toronto, ON to share their favorite plants. From Hoya Bellas to Raven Zamioculcas, these suggestions may just become your next favorite plant.

A collection of plants by a window

1. Monstera Deliciosa – a versatile plant

If you are looking for a versatile statement plant that does well in almost any environment, we love to recommend Monstera Deliciosa, which come in different sizes. They prefer bright indirect light and can take some direct morning light. Water frequency depends on your environment. Southern climates may want to water once a week whereas northern climates every 2-4 weeks. The more light and heat your monstera receives, the more water it’ll need. –  Put a Plant on It

2. Hoya Bella – a beautiful hanging plant 

The Hoya Bella is our favorite indoor plant. Not only is it a beautiful hanging plant with stems that grow incredibly long, but it also has the most stunning flowers. Most living rooms are ideal for the Hoya Bella and placing it in a shaded spot in a bright room will have it flowering throughout the year. – Wild Plant Shop

3. Ferns – plants that are perfect for container gardening on your patio, balcony, or porch

Native plants are those that occur naturally in a region in which they evolved; they are the base food web for our habitat. If you don’t get a lot of sun, Pacific Northwest ferns like Western Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum Aleuticum), Deer Fern (Blechnum Spicant), and Wood Fern (Dryopteris Expansa) create visual interest with their architectural leaf structure. Enjoy the benefit of gardening with native plants for your outdoor space while becoming a steward for our habitat in the city. – Poppy and Finch 

4. Monstera Adansonii – a plant that thrives in light

Grow lights can allow you to put any plant into any room or hallways these days. They especially come in handy when you live in a place like I do, Seattle, where it’s more gray and gloomy than sunny in the wintertime. So plants that would normally thrive in a west-facing window, might start to wither a bit when the weather starts to chill. A few of my favorite houseplants include the ever-popular Monstera Deliciosa, the Monstera Adansonii, Begonias, Hoyas, and Pothos. – Hemleva

5. Sansevieria – a unique plant that performs photosynthesis at night

One of our favorite plants is the Sansevieria, also known as the “snake plant” or “mother-in-law’s tongue.” Sansevieria are native to the arid deserts of West Africa, they do not require much water (especially in the winter), and are unique in that they perform a specific type of photosynthesis at night which allows them to release oxygen throughout the night, unlike most other plants that release oxygen only during the day. They are great for bedrooms, offices, or low light rooms because they can withstand full sun and handle low light — though they will do best in indirect sunlight. – Tampa Succulents

If you’re looking for simplicity and character, a snake plant is a great choice. They prefer bright indirect light but can thrive in any area of your home that is warm with temperatures above 50°F. With wholesome green leaves and a bold presence that’s promised to inspire relaxation and creativity, this low-maintenance plant is a perfect addition to a home office or family room. – Green Thumb Project

A snake plant next to a couch

6. Janet Craig Compacta – a dark, lush green plant

As we enter the fall and winter season, one of our favorite indoor house plants is the Janet Craig Compacta. Its dark green and shiny foliage will give you a lush outdoor vibe. It is an easy-care plant, only needing water once it’s completely dry. Not only is it a top-rated NASA air-purifying plant, but it can tolerate lower light conditions and can even survive artificial fluorescent lighting. Because it can tolerate low, medium, to indirect bright light, you can place it anywhere in the home (out of direct sun). – TERRAVITA Plants

7. Hoya Australis –  a flowering climber plant

My favorite plant is a Hoya. There are many wonderful varieties of hoya, but my top pick is the Hoya Australis. It is an easy-to-grow flowering climber with round waxy leaves. They have long twining stems that can be trained to climb on a trellis, moss pole, or in my case, a curtain rod. In the late spring to autumn the plant will produce a cluster of waxy flower buds that will bloom into the most fragrant flowers. Hoyas grow best in bright light. They can handle some direct sun too. Water liberally in the spring and summer and cut back in the winter months. Let your soil dry out completely between waterings, I treat my hoya’s like succulents. – Stamen & Pistil Botanicals

8. Raven Zamioculcas – a durable plant

Our favorite plant is the Raven Zamioculcas, also known as the Raven ZZ. This gorgeous, black, and easy-to-maintain plant is an upgrade from the traditional, green ZZ plant. What makes it our favorite is that it’s HARD to kill, requiring water every few weeks (or when you finally remember), any amount of indirect light, and low humidity. As long as it’s not in direct sun, it’ll survive anywhere you put it. – Planter Sam

9. Aloe Vera – an easy to take care of plant

My absolute favorite indoor plant is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is great because of how easy it is to take care of.  I started learning about indoor plants because of Aloe Vera, and it’s been a fascinating experience. – Kelly Adams, Easy Succulents

10. Philodendron – a colorful plant

The philodendron ‘red emerald,’ with its deep-burgundy stems juxtaposed against fat green leaves, is a showstopper houseplant (part of the aroid family) that is as easy to care for as it is exotic. Place it in any room in the house that receives bright filtered light — bathrooms, with their high humidity, are ideal — and keep them well watered in a pot with adequate drainage. Remember, the red emerald is a tropical plant accustomed to the rainforests of Central and South America, so the more you can replicate its native environment, the happier it will be. – Ninth Ward Nursery, LLC

11. Euphorbia Trigona – a cactus plant

Euphorbia Trigona aka African Milk Tree is a wonderful addition to a bright room in your home. The upright growth habit as well as the contrast between the dark green and red colors will give a modern look to any space. As long as this beauty gets plenty of sunlight, she will thrive with minimal care. – Bates Nursery

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Ryan is part of the Content Marketing team and enjoys writing about market trends and local insights. His dream home would be a large cape cod-style house by the beach.
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